Awareness Month

Monday, October 21, 2024
Held on November 21, 2024, World Pancreatic Cancer Day brings people around the world together to highlight the need for greater awareness, funding and research for pancreatic cancer.

We are proud to stand alongside global like-minded organisations as part of The World Pancreatic Cancer Coalition, more than 99 organisations from over 40 countries and six continents who elevate global awareness, inspire action, and bring greater attention to the disease to ultimately improve outcomes.

Find out more

Stats in Australia

Self-Assessment Guide


Help spread the word

Resources are available to share on your channels and with your network. Help us spread the word!

Key message

Patients diagnosed in time for surgery are more likely to live five years and beyond. Early diagnosis is vital, so say “Hello, Pancreas” and don’t ignore the signs. 

If you have any of these symptoms and you don’t know why, go to your GP. If you have jaundice, seek urgent medical advice. Remember that these symptoms could have more common causes.

Download a full Self-Assessment Guide




This year, PanKind is pleased to announce that alongside the Australian Pancreatic Cancer Alliance, we will be lighting up every state in Australia purple for pancreatic cancer. Iconic locations across Australia have agreed to light up their buildings purple to raise awareness for the disease and honour those that have sadly lost their battles.