Apply for a grant

We welcome research grant funding applications each year.

Grant applications

PanKind’s grants aim to encourage new ideas, detect pancreatic cancer earlier, build the capacity of Australian pancreatic cancer research and find new, more effective treatments to improve outcomes for patients.

Learn more about the research we fund and our research strategy.

Applications for our 2024 Grant Round are now open.

Early Detection Grant

Funding available: $100K grant for 1 year.

The Early Detection Grant will provide funding to Australian researchers to:

  • encourage new strategies to detect and diagnose pancreatic cancer earlier,
  • support established and/or early career researchers to develop preliminary data and attract additional funding in subsequent years,
  • accelerate research translation; and
  • improve survival from pancreatic cancer in line with our mission to triple survival by 2030.

In 2024 an Early Detection Grant will be named the Marianne Allan Pancreatic Research Grant in honour of Marianne Allan. Marianne and Ross Allan are dedicated to helping improve outcomes through detecting pancreatic cancer earlier.

Learn more about them and their incredible contribution here.

Download the Application instructions
Download the Application form


New Treatment Grant

Funding available: $300k grant over 2 years, focused on accelerating treatments for pancreatic cancer to patients.

The New Treatment Grant will provide funding to Australian researchers to:

  • carry out projects at any stage (preclinical to clinical) that will significantly accelerate treatments to pancreatic cancer patients,
  • grow capacity in pancreatic cancer research in Australia,
  • accelerate research translation; and
  • improve survival from pancreatic cancer in line with our mission to triple survival by 2030.

Download the Application instructions
Download the Application Form

Application Timeline

Monday, 3 June 2024: Applications Open for both categories and application forms available.

Monday, 29 July 2024: Applications Close (submissions will not be accepted after 5 pm (AEST)).

Thursday, 21 November 2024: Grant recipients announced.



PanKind will only fund projects where:

  1. The administering institution agrees to the terms and conditions of funding as outlined on this page and in PanKind’s Research Funding Agreement. Please note we will not make amendments to the agreement terms as we are not resourced to be able to do this.
  2. The application has been submitted using PanKind's Grant Application Form.
  3. The grant applicant (Principal Investigator) resides in Australia.
  4. The grant applicant’s administering institution is an Australian organisation.
  5. The applicant is the Principal Investigator on no more than one application across all grant categories.
  6. The applicant and research team members are each funded at a maximum of 1 full-time equivalent.
  7. If, at the time of application you currently hold a PanKind grant as a Principal Investigator, your grant will finish within the current calendar year. Please note we reserve the right to alter or withdraw our offer of award if you do not fulfil the requirements of your currently held grant.
  8. Biotechnology, pharmaceutical or other relevant companies may apply for funding, however, if successful PanKind may vary the terms of funding.


Grant Assessment Criteria

All applications will be assessed by the Scientific Advisory Panel according to the following criteria:

1. Investigator team capability: 

Do the key personnel have the expertise, experience, and ability to undertake the proposed project and meet milestones and timelines? 

2. Novelty of the project. The novelty of concept, originality, and innovation: 

Does the proposed project have elements of its design, approach or concept that are novel and have the potential to answer or discover new information and/or potential to advance scientific knowledge and/or clinical practice?

3. Impact. Potential to improve pancreatic cancer survival: 

If successful, will this project contribute to PanKind, The Australian Pancreatic Cancer Foundation’s mission: to triple survival by 2030? Is there a plan to translate positive findings to patients?

4. Quality and feasibility. Scientific quality and feasibility of the proposed project and/or rationale: 

For all research projects, the following will be assessed.

  • Is the study rationale based on previous well-designed research? 
  • Is the study design adequate to answer the proposed research questions and test the hypotheses?
  • Are ethical issues sufficiently addressed?
  • Is the proposed timeline feasible?
  • Does the proposal adequately address sourcing of any required study agents?
  • Are the proposed analysis and statistical approach appropriate to provide interpretable results from the proposed study design and methods?
  • Do the clinical site(s) or laboratories have adequate procedures for data management and quality control? 
  • Does the proposal address quality control methods for the standardisation of data management, to adequately assess the effect of the intervention?
  • Does the proposal adequately address the capacity and capability of the proposed site(s) or centres to conduct the planned research? 

If the proposal is a clinical trial, the following will also be assessed. 

  • Does the proposal provide adequate justification for the study populations, proposed intervention arms/dose and duration of the trial?
  • In terms of recruitment, are there plans for outreach, enrolment, retention, handling dropouts, missed visits and losses?
  • Is the eligible population available for the proposed study?
  • Have inclusion/ exclusion criteria been addressed?

5. Budget: (Yes or No)

  • Is the budget appropriate for the study? Does it note all in-kind and financial support? 


Read our Grant Funding Agreement

Contact Us

If you have any questions about our grants, or would like more information about our grant application process, please email