Pancreatic Cancer Support Groups

Pancreatic Cancer Support Groups
Pancreatic cancer support groups, in person, over the phone, or online may be a helpful way to share your experiences with others who have had similar experiences.
Living with pancreatic cancer can be stressful, difficult and scary for patients and their loved ones. It is important to know that you are not alone.
Many people find talking to others who have experienced a similar situation very helpful. Some people also feel that in a cancer support group setting, they can speak more openly about their experiences and feelings.
Know that there are several types of cancer support groups, including:
- Peer-led groups organised by members
- Professionally led groups facilitated by a healthcare professional
- Informational groups that offer information and education
The benefits of joining a cancer support group include:
- You will feel less alone.
- You may find it easier to express your thoughts and feelings to people going through a similar experience rather than with family and friends.
- Your cancer support group can help you feel more empowered and in control of your life.
- Just sharing your experience with others can mean you feel less anxious or scared.
- You can find out what to expect on your patient journey.
- Your cancer support group can offer treatment advice.
- It can also offer information on practical issues, such as continuing work.
- Your support group meetings can give structure to your routine.
- You will make new connections, and you may even make some new friends.
There are several ways you can connect with others to share support and information. Below are some of the services available; however we also recommend speaking with your healthcare team about finding cancer support groups in your area.
In-person and zoom support groups
National Pancreatic Cancer Support Group (Zoom)
A cancer support group for people affected by a pancreatic cancer diagnosis, including patients and carers. The group is free and is open to anyone, irrespective of where they were diagnosed or are being treated.
The purpose of this pancreatic cancer support group is to provide a safe, welcoming, and confidential space where people affected by a pancreatic cancer diagnosis can meet to share ideas, concerns, and personal experiences, as well as learning from specialist visiting speakers, and each other, about living with cancer.
The meeting is held the second Thursday of each month.
Time: 1:30pm – 3:00pm (ACT, NSW, TAS, VIC) AEDT
Time: 1:00pm - 2:30pm (SA) AEDT
Time: 12:30 - 2:00pm (QLD) AEST
Location: Zoom video conference (contact the group for details)
For further information on how to join the group, please call (02) 7207 6970 during business hours, or email
Telephone support groups
The below Telephone Support Groups (TSG) are free, professionally facilitated support groups. They are open groups and you can join in whenever you feel well enough, on an ongoing basis, from anywhere in Australia.
Members are telephoned by Cancer Council so there are no costs to participate. You can be called on a landline or a mobile.
The Pancreatic Telephone Support Group meets the first and third Wednesdays of the month from 1.30pm – 2.30pm (EST) and accepts new members at any time.
The Advanced Cancer Telephone Support Group meets the first and third Tuesday of the month from 1.30pm – 2.30pm (EST) and is for people with a variety of cancers, including pancreatic cancer.
The Carers’ Telephone Support Group meets the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month from 1.30pm – 2.30pm (EST) and is for people caring for someone with any cancer, including pancreatic cancer.
The Life After Loss Telephone Support Group, for people whose loved one has died from cancer in the last two years. The group is led by two qualified facilitators and runs for six sessions, one hour per week.
To find out more about any of these telephone support groups, call Cancer Council NSW national referral line on 1300 755 632 or email
This Telephone Support Group program is a collaboration between Cancer Council New South Wales, Cancer Council Victoria and Pancare.
One-on-one telephone support
Cancer Connect, run by Cancer Council, is a free and confidential telephone peer support service that connects someone who has cancer with a specially trained volunteer who has had a similar cancer experience.
A Connect volunteer can listen with understanding and share their experiences and ways of coping. They can provide practical information, emotional support and hope. Many people newly diagnosed with cancer find this one-to-one support very beneficial.
For more information, call Cancer Council on 13 11 20 and ask about Cancer Connect.
Professional support service
Cancer Council provides a free, confidential telephone information and support services in each state and territory.
Anyone can call Cancer Council 13 11 20 - cancer patients, people living with cancer, their families, carers and friends, teachers, students and healthcare professionals.
Specially trained staff can answer your cancer questions and offer emotional or practical support.
- Call 13 11 20
- Local call cost from anywhere in Australia (mobile calls charged at mobile rates)
- Is open between 9 am and 5 pm, Monday to Friday
- some states have extended hours
- some states have health professionals on staff
- some states have multilingual services
Online Community Forum
Cancer Council has an Online Community Forum to share and discuss their experiences with cancer. There are discussion forums for those with cancer, people who have had cancer, as well as friends, family and carers.
Thank you to the incredible community of people who have helped us create and review our website information and support resources, we could not have done it without you.
Once you’ve found the right cancer support group, explore the PanKind website to learn more about the symptoms and treatments available.