2017 Grant Recipients
In 2017 we released a funding pool of $2m and received 23 applications from researchers and institutions. This was the third round of grant funding released by the Foundation and brought the total of funding allocated to $6m.
Grant applications were assessed by our Scientific Advisory Panel - comprised of international and national experts in the area. The panel made recommendations to the board as to who the successful applicants should be and these were accepted unanimously.
Accelerator Grants
Pathway to a Novel Treatment for Pancreatic Cancer - Targeting the Microenvironment (Stroma)
Seeing is believing: Mapping and targeting the extracellular matrix in pancreatic cancer
Innovation Grants
Therapeutic Targeting of the Potent Metastasis Suppressor, NDRG1, in Pancreatic Cancer
A Novel Theranostic for Pancreatic Cancer
Harnessing a Novel 'Tunable' Immune Check Point to Enhance the Immunogenicity of Anti-Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma
A Novel Translational Pipeline for the Introduction of New Immune-Based Therapies Targeting Localised and Metastatic Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma