2024 Early Detection Grant - Belinda Lee
Development of a non-invasive urine screening test to identify patients with early pancreatic cancer.

Development of a non-invasive urine screening test to identify patients with early pancreatic cancer.
2024 Early Detection Grant
Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
Principal Investigator
Belinda Lee
Time required to complete project
1 year
Project Summary
We have previously discovered a panel of protein markers that can identify pancreatic cancer in patients. Our goal is to now determine whether these protein markers can also be reliably detected in the urine of patients with early pancreatic cancer, and to develop a practical non-invasive urine screening test for routine early cancer screening. Urine proteomics has shown significant potential for the discovery of conditions such as atherosclerosis, prostate, and bladder cancer. Proteins and peptides in the urine are stable and can be used to longitudinally track disease conditions. To achieve this goal, we will utilise our world-leading pancreatic cancer registry that has collated data on >4800 cases from >48 linked cancer centres across Australia, New Zealand and Singapore to identify patients diagnosed with early-stage disease. We will utilise state-of-the art technologies and computational methodologies to compare the protein signature in the urine of healthy individuals, to pancreatic cancer patients with early-stage disease and those with late-stage disease. Following the completion of our project, we will be able to develop our discovery into a test that could be used by general practitioners to identify patients with disease or could be used by oncologists to identify the right treatment for patients.
This grant has been made possible by the Marianne Allan Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund.