2020 Collaboration Grant - Dr Sumit Sahni
Development of personalised treatment pathways for pancreatic cancer patients
Development of personalised treatment pathways for pancreatic cancer patients
2020 Collaboration Grant
Kolling Institute of Medical Research, University of Sydney
Principal Investigator
Dr Sumit Sahni
Time required to complete project
2 years
Project Summary
The project team has access of blood samples from PC patients, which are collected prior to the administration of chemotherapy. This project will focus on the identification of unique proteins in these blood samples, which can predict a patient’s response to chemotherapy. This will lead to the development of a simple blood test for identification of patients for optimal treatment course selection. PC patients with chemotherapy-resistant tumours currently do not have other targeted therapies available to them. The project team has identified a key pathway (i.e., OSM-TGM2) which can be targeted to overcome chemotherapy-resistance in PC patients. This project further aims to perform comprehensive pre-clinical evaluation to determine if inhibition of this pathway, using a novel therapeutic strategy, could overcome chemotherapy resistance in PC patients. Overall, upon successful completion, this project will lead to the development of simple blood-based test for predicting chemotherapy response in PC patients, and also, develop a novel targeted therapy to overcome PC chemo-resistance.
Prof Mark Molloy, University of Sydney
Dr Anubhav Mittal, Royal North Shore Hospital
Clinical Prof Jaswinder Samra, Royal North Shore Hospital
A/Prof David Chang, University of Glasgow
Prof Anthony Gill, Northern Sydney Local Health District, Royal North Shore Hospital, University of Sydney
Prof Nick Pavlakis, Northern Sydney Local Health District, Royal North Shore Hospital, University of Sydney
A/Prof Angela Chou, Northern Sydney Local Health District, Royal North Shore Hospital, University of Sydney
Funding partner:
The Ian Harty Charitable Trust