Our mission is to triple the pancreatic cancer survival rate by 2030 and significantly improve the quality of life for those impacted by the disease.
Together with our partners and community, we’re confronting pancreatic cancer head-on. Making progress a reality through groundbreaking research, compassionate support, and tireless advocacy. Because when the stakes are this high, action isn’t just important—it’s essential and urgent.
Pancreatic cancer is the toughest common cancer, and for too long, progress has lagged behind. Survival rates have barely improved in decades, leaving people diagnosed feeling overwhelmed and uncertain. We’re determined to change this. We are the only Australian organisation solely dedicated to improving outcomes for those affected by pancreatic cancer.
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How the immune system influences pancreatic cancer
Groundbreaking research from the University Medical Center Göttingen (UMG) in Germany, recently published in the prestigious journal Nature Communications, has shed new light on how pancreatic cancer interacts with the immune system opening the door to innovative new therapies that could change the future for those diagnosed.
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