Pancreatic cancer can be difficult to treat long term, with many people facing the risk of the disease returning after initial therapy. Now, early research, published in February 2025, suggests a personalised mRNA vaccine could help reduce that chance.
Read story ➞Groundbreaking research from the University Medical Center Göttingen (UMG) in Germany, recently published in the prestigious journal Nature Communications, has shed new light on how pancreatic cancer interacts with the immune system opening the door to innovative new therapies that could change the future for those diagnosed.
Read story ➞Dr Andrew Lowy, Chief of Surgical Oncology at Moores Cancer Center, University of California, San Diego, is an internationally renowned surgeon and scientist. As a member of Pankind’s Scientific Advisory Panel, he plays a key role in shaping our research strategy and has shared some of his key findings at our annual Scientific Meetings.
Read story ➞The Australian cancer care landscape is evolving, and we welcome the recent release of Cancer Australia’s National Framework for Genomics in Cancer Control.
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