Founder's Report - Autumn 2019

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Our efforts to tackle awareness of Pancreatic Cancer is beginning to make inroads and since launching our awareness video ‘Something you need to know’ 8 months ago, more than 2,000 people have seen it. Added to that the report we launched earlier this month highlighting the crisis of the disease ‘Cancer of Our Generation’ made the Sunday evening news of both Channel nine and Network ten and resulted in print and radio interviews. In addition to awareness we have worked hard on political advocacy and shared with both sides of Federal government information on the disease and our plans to help defeat the disease through 4 strategic research programs and a National Pancreatic Cancer Patient Hub. As a result of those meetings, the ALP made two key announcements last week that should they win the election they will commit $4m across 4 years to our Patient Hub and a second announcement made on the first full day of campaigning of $20m of funding for the Foundation’s research program. We are very encouraged by these funding announcements and sincerely thank the ALP for their recognition of the crisis of the disease and their commitment to help change that.

While these are very encouraging announcements, we cannot lose focus on the facts that the 5-year survival rate for Pancreatic Cancer is less than 10% and four out of every five patients diagnosed face a median survival of less than 12 months.


Please continue your support to stop this cancer being the cancer of our generation - please sign the petition to government here:

Sign the petition